The Hope Institute
A 501 (c)(3) Nonprofit
Workplace Hope Assessment
The Workplace Environment Hope Scale is designed to assess the extent to which a workplace environment fosters the four cardinal elements of hope: attachment, survival, mastery, and spirituality.
The inspiration for the development of the WP-Hope was primarily, Scioli’s model of hope, and secondarily, the work of Ludema et al. (1997), and Carlsen et al. (2012) on “horizons of relational possibility”.
The contents of this scale were derived using formal test development procedures to assure reliability and validity.
Norms are based on responses from 250 full-time, non-remote workers.
The final set of items were selected by reviewing employee ratings of the level of importance associated with specific (hope-related) elements of the workplace.
Five scores are provided.
Workplace Hopefulness Score (Overall)
Workplace Trust Score
Workplace Support Score
Workplace Empowerment Score
Workplace Spirit Score
Scale Length: 16 Items
Time Required: 3 Minutes
Fee: Negotiated
Examples of Applications
Program evaluation and/or development
Employee recruitment and retention
Human Resource (Institutional) wellness monitoring
Public relations and marketing