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Photo at sunset. The child holds the sun in his palms. Against the background of the lands

Child & Youth Hope





Child/Youth Hope Scale 

Our Basic Profile report  for the Child and Youth Hope Scale provides an overall, present-moment hope score for children and teens (ages 7 to 17), as well as the following sub-scores:


  • Attachment-Activated Hope

  • Coping-Activated Hope

  • Mastery-Activated Hope

  • Spiritually-Activated Hope


Our Intensive Profile Report adds the following scales:


  • Interpersonal Bonding

  • Trust Experiences

  • Self-Regulation of Distress 

  • Coping Support

  • Feelings of Liberation

  • Belief in Goal Progress 

  • Mastery Support

  • Spiritual Presence

  • Spiritual Assurance

  • Spiritual Inspiration


The scale is statistically reliable. Scores are related to self-reported and parental ratings of anxiety and depression, as well as children’s personal perceptions of their vulnerability, popularity, and academic ability.


Norms are based on data from nearly 3,000 children and youth, including the U.S., Central and South America, Africa, and Asia. This tool is available in four languages. 


  • English

  • Spanish

  • French

  • Filipino


Additional translations are possible for an additional fee.


Scale Length: 40 Items

Time Required: 10-15 Minutes Fee: Negotiated


Examples of Applications


  • Screening for suicide prevention

  • Screening for after-effects of bullying and other trauma

  • Program or therapeutic camp assessments (e. g., Boys/Girls Clubs, YMCA/YWCA)

  • Assessment in government organizations (e.g., Big Brother/Big Sisters, Head Start)

  • Child or teen mental-health clinic assessments

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Child & Youth Hope


Youth Hope Workshops


   A. Traditional Format


We have developed an evidence-based group intervention to instill hope in youth using paraprofessional “hope providers”.  


The workshop is designed to foster the four cardinal elements of hope: attachment, survival/coping, mastery, and spirituality.  


The workshop is designed to run for five-weeks, two-hours a week (ten hours total).




Dr. Scioli developed this workshop for youth in Haiti, following the disastrous 2010 earthquake. A follow-study was conducted in Pakistan, in collaboration with Institute member, Raza Abbas. 


 An Evidence-Based Tool


In 2018, A clinical trial was conducted with funding from the National Institutes of Health.   More than three-quarters of the participants found the left–brain oriented, hope lessons and insights helpful, and nearly eighty-five percent rated the more right– brain, hope-centered meditative exercises favorably.  Pre and post assessments were conducted.  To assure rigor, we instituted a random group-assignment process (with treatment and control groups).  Relative to the control groups, workshop participants reported significant increases in hope, greater utilization of social support resources, enhanced self-acceptance, as well as significant reductions in symptoms of depression.


 We Provide Three Options: 


  • Remote Workshop Delivery (Web-Based).  Our “hope providers” deliver an online group workshop.  We provide an online, pre and post assessment, and a final report.


  • Train-your-Trainers Model.  “Hope providers” are drawn from your organization and participate in a remote 20-hour training program.  We provide a manual and two-hours per week of remote supervision.  We also provide online a pre and post assessment and a final report.  In some cases, we may negotiate onsite training of your “hope providers”.   


  • Onsite Workshop Delivery.  When it feasible, we may negotiate onsite delivery of the workshop in a condensed format such as a long weekend, or if a client is local, a five-week, ten-hour format, bracketed by 30 minute, pre and post-assessments.  We also provide a final report.   [ not sure if we want to do this direct work]


Time Required: Varies w/format


Fee: Negotiated

Examples of Applications


  • Clinic or school-based suicide prevention or trauma recovery programs

  • Youth camp programming (e.g., therapeutic or leadership camps)

  • First-year college experience

  • Character development programming



Multiracial music band performing in a recording studio .jpg

Child & Youth Hope


Youth Hope Workshops


 B. “Hip Hope” Format 


We have developed a “hip hope” version of our workshop that integrates a songwriting component. This workshop runs for an additional week.  There is an extended session each week (12 sessions, six weeks, 15 total hours).  Similar to the traditional workshop, there is a 30-minute pre and post online assessment session.


Following each module (attachment, survival, mastery, and spirituality), 20 percent of the lyrics for a hip-hop song are drafted by the workshop participants, integrating themes presented during the week.  An additional thirty minutes is added to the second meeting each week for this task (songwriting).  Two additional sessions are included in week six.  The first meeting in week six is for editing and practicing the hip-hop song (60 minutes).  The second meeting is for a performance (90 minutes).


If multiple workshops are involved, a friendly competition is possible.  At your discretion, local musicians and/or other officials can be invited to serve as judges.


The options for this workshop parallel the traditional workshop format.    


  • Remote Workshop Delivery (Web-Based).  Our “hope providers” can deliver an online group workshop and songwriting help.  We will also provide an online pre and post assessment, celebratory, performance recording, and a final report.


  • Train-your-Trainers Model.  “Hope Providers” are drawn from your organization and participate in a remote 20-hour training program.  We provide a manual and two-hours per week of remote supervision.  We also provide an online pre and post assessment, and a final report.  Your trained “Hope Providers” mentor the participant songwriting.    For an additional fee, we can provide supervision by a hip-hop artist with experience in teaching songwriting to children and adolescents.  Similar to the traditional workshop, we may negotiate onsite training of your “hope providers”.  


  • Onsite Workshop Delivery.  When feasible, we may negotiate onsite delivery of the workshop in a condensed format such as a long weekend, or if a client is local, a six week, 15-hour experience, bracketed by 30-minute pre and post-assessments, and coordination of a performance.  We will also provide a final report.  


Time Required: Varies w/Format Fee: Negotiated


Examples of Applications:


  • Clinic or school-based suicide prevention or trauma recovery programs

  • Youth camp programming (e.g., therapeutic or leadership camps)

  • First-year college experience

  • Character development programming



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